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Prepare a folder that contains your:

  • Job history
  • Educational background
  • Reference information

Then you'll know where it is when you need it.

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Congratulations, you’ve got an interview! You’re one step closer to the beginning of your career. However, just because you’ve got an interview, it doesn’t mean you can coast from now on. Quite the opposite. The fun part is just beginning!

Do Your Homework

Thanks to the Internet, you can get information on virtually every company out there. Find the company’s Web site, if you haven’t already, and get researching. Check out their mission, press releases and other sections so you can come armed with solid facts and questions for your interviewer. Don’t forget to look at their employment section as well. Many companies have details on benefits or the company’s culture in this section, a quick review will answer those questions for you, leaving room for the bigger questions to ask.

Dress the Part

No matter what job you’re interviewing for, dressing the part of a job applicant never hurt anyone. Depending on your field, a business suit may or may not be the answer. But don’t resort to jeans or business super-casual attire either. A good rule of thumb is to dress not for the job you are applying for, but maybe for the one a level up in the food chain. Let them know you take yourself, the position and their company seriously.

They Want to Like You

One thing to remember for any job interview is that the interviewer wants to like you. They want you to be the perfect candidate for the job. And people are more inclined to hire people they like. So relax, be your likeable self – without trying too hard – and make sure to show enthusiasm for the company and the opportunity. If, at the end of the interview, you decide that you and the job would be a great fit, don’t forget to tell them you are interested in the job. A job interview works both ways and the interviewer wants to know you liked what you heard as well.

Always …

Always write a thank you note. Depending on the position and the contact information you have, you can either email a thank you or send a handwritten note. Either way, it should contain a formal thank you (obviously), an unobtrusive reminder of why you’re perfect for the job and, again, state your interest in the job. Keep it friendly but professional.