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Savings 101

Sure, it’s a no-brainer to decide to start saving your money. You probably already have a history of saving for the things you want like a new car, laptop or maybe even a down payment on a your first home. But retirement?

Control Your Future

We realize retirement is a ways away, but now is the time to start saving. If you’re waiting for Social Security or a job pension to keep your distant golden years secure, you might be waiting a long time. It’s up to you to take control of your future. If you start saving now, you’ll have a really nice nest egg when you need it.

If you wait until your 40s, chances are you’ll be forced to work way past retirement age just to pay the bills. And don’t forget, the older you get the more financial responsibilities you’ll have like a mortgage, kids, college tuition and more. All the more reason to start saving now.

Don’t believe us? Visit our savings calculator or retirement calculator and plug in the numbers—they’ll speak for themselves.

In Case of Emergency

Retirement isn’t the only future you need to be saving for. Taking a more short-term approach, you also need to have an emergency fund. You never know when you’ll need to replace a flat tire, broken furnace or even go to a friend’s wedding you didn’t see coming. Another good reason to have an emergency fund is this crazy economy. Even though you think your job is secure, you never know what’s up ahead.

The rule of thumb is to have about three to six months’ income put away. That’s in a perfect world. But anything you can save to put a dent in that ideal number would be great. It’ll give you some breathing room should a downsizing or a seized engine be in your future.